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The Yepoda Fam loyalty program is designed for dedicated K-Beauty enthusiasts. As a member, you can earn hearts to access new product launches, promotions, and exclusive events early. The Yepoda Fam program offers exclusive experiences and rewards for your commitment to K-Beauty.
If you don't have your account, create a new one on our store, and you'll automatically join The FAM.
Already have an account? Log in to your account, then, you will automatically join The FAM.
Hearts are the points you can collect within The Yepoda Fam loyalty program. You can collect hearts by engaging with us or shopping with us.
Log in your account, you'll see your heart balance on my account page.
Your hearts you earned from this purchase will be deducted.
Hearts cannot be transferred or redeemed for any other account.
Your redeemable hearts balance will expire only if you haven't used them in the last 12 months. To prevent your hearts from expiring, use them within 12 months.
No, this is not possible.
Yes, if a friend you referred makes their first purchase within 30 days, they’ll get a €20 discount on orders over €79. As a thank you for the successful referral, you’ll receive 1000 hearts!
Your hearts will show after your order is fulfilled; most orders will ship within 2 working days, after which your hearts will be added into your account and available to redeem!
Yes! To earn and redeem hearts, ensure you are logged into your account.
Submit a product review through a post-purchase email request. Be careful, if you write a review without clicking this link, you won't earn your hearts. You can earn hearts by leaving a review only once per month.
Your tier statuses are calculated on a rolling 12-month basis. Once you reach a tier, you will retain that tier for 1 year. Your new tier will be recalculated based on the amount you have spent in the trailing 12 months.
Sorry to see you go! Please contact us at for deregistration.